26 Oct 2009

Like waking from a dream

It has once again been far too long bloggers. However, once again I'm going to try to get my brain on paper!

A brief update then:

I was working for Royal Mail Door to Door as a Manpower Temp, but quit that 'not-the-most-amazing-job-in-the-world-ever' (& definitely not for me) to go work back at my old job in what was REPP, then Harcourt & is now called Pearson - still with many of the same faces & still in the same place! It's back doing what I seem to do best - supporting people with using software aka Digital Support.

Some might view this as a backward step, but for the time being it's a good place to start, because it gives me the scope to possibly get full-time employment & raises the potential to move out & get on with my life...not a bad thing methinks.

I'll do some more updates when I can..but for now...we continue.