Well Saturday was the reunion for the Mid Wessex Junior Week 2 - I was running the games section [uh-oh!], so had to do more prep in the morning & came up with a combination of group/team games & stuff for 'the entertainment of the campers' [embassasing Nate basically!].
This involved some creative thinking so we had:
Getting up -
dressing up as something to represent the theme of the tents they had at camp.iwantoneofthose.com -
trying to find everything on a very strange list off items!Ninja Sleeping Lions -
like sleeping lions, but one person then wakes up all of the lions individually & then more, to form a crew & go & scare the last lion! Finally, but by no means least something which I called.....
Experiment No. 6 -
this involved young trying to drink a jug of water....whilst making an angry face & shaking your fist!! Just to add a bit of competition to the whole affair I got someone else to smile & wave & try drinking the jug of water! I managed to get Ros & Nate in a battle of wits & general stupidity & Nate definitely came off worse lolz. Just for an added [& I must say inspired] comedy effect, I brought along a change off clothes for Nate [I had a feeling he'd spill it everywhere lolz] - full ski-gear :oD
There were of course some rejected ideas;
Pope Idol [oh dear!],
Backwards [going backwards over an obstacle course] & one which I wanted to play, but didn't
Bag Escape [stand, put your hands in your pockets, have a sleeping bag put over your head & then try to escape!].
After the games we had PJ's [a buch of skits] but without the comedy element of PC who was 'too busy with work to come along' [Captain Beakie say's you're on trial next year mate - sorry!!] so Nate stepped in. It went ok, but some of the jokes were a bit sketchy...or was that the idea?!
We also had a good chat from Shani, reminding everyone about what we learned during the sessions at camp this year.
After the campers had gone home [around 6] the whole leadership team got a curry ordered & settled down to silly conversations & much jackass-style antics [blaming no-one G & Nate!!] then food arrived, I picked up Maddie & it was all good clean fun!! We left around 8:30 & I had Ros, Maddie, Hobbit & AJ to drop off home, before rolling in at about 11:30 - ouch!!