About the Brainshare

However, I know that there's a lot more to me than just ministry, so I added some music & gaming elements & a certain amount of geekery which has been essential to everything I've had to do since I left school!
I was not really keen of baring things to all, but through the inspiration of my Smallgroup Tutor/DYO [Mr Youthblog himself] I decided to give it a go - the results are my 285 (at last count) posts since 2006!
I was not really keen of baring things to all, but through the inspiration of my Smallgroup Tutor/DYO [Mr Youthblog himself] I decided to give it a go - the results are my 285 (at last count) posts since 2006!
Some definitions of this Blogger:
Geeky youthworker, currently working for a major educational software publisher, supporting 2'500 software titles (& rising) in UK schools
Degree & JNC qualified youthworker - courtesy of the Centre for Youth Ministry & Oxford Brookes (Graduated 2008)
Love cycling (on my Trek 1200!) & skiing & want to learn more (scuba diving I'm looking at you), play more sports & definitely need to travel more.
Absoultely addicted to music - I need it every day & fall asleep to it as well - sad but true - check out Musicians of Note page to see more
Answers to name of Pikachu / SiBorg / Si / Six & very occasionally Simon!
If you have any comments, feedback or questions please feel free to email me
Degree & JNC qualified youthworker - courtesy of the Centre for Youth Ministry & Oxford Brookes (Graduated 2008)
Love cycling (on my Trek 1200!) & skiing & want to learn more (scuba diving I'm looking at you), play more sports & definitely need to travel more.
Absoultely addicted to music - I need it every day & fall asleep to it as well - sad but true - check out Musicians of Note page to see more
Answers to name of Pikachu / SiBorg / Si / Six & very occasionally Simon!
If you have any comments, feedback or questions please feel free to email me