15 Mar 2010

Personal, but no bad thing

I've been meaning to blog again, but once again life has been a little hectic so here we go again.

The main reason I missed the last couple of weeks has been a massive shift in my concentration - I've been focusing heavily on helping Madds in Canterbury, moving into my new house & also heavily involved in my research project in work. I'll fill you in on a few of them.

Madds let out a cry for help [a couple of weeks ago now] - I answered that call & brought her back from to be with her family. This has caused me to pay much closer attention to her & listen very carefully to everything from the tone of her voice, to the words she uses when we talk. What has made me think & reflect a little is the fact that I knew in my heart I had to go & I think God was active in making it happen. If we need proof - the fact that she's not in hospital works for me.

In a less serious, but still rad way my house-move is so nearly finished - everything is there, apart from about 1 box of belongings, a sofabed & a suitcase of clothes & I'm in! All I have to do is get my services over - this is now operation 'Get up & running' [not to be confused with anything to do with exercise!] sorting out bills & services etc.

In a more work related way, I've finished my first epic project in my job - creating a map of which local authority [LEA] uses which Virtual Learning Environment [VLE] provider. Next up I have to redesign the old FAQ intranet site which is definitely going to be a long old project - but definitely something to keep me occupied during holiday periods.

There's so very many new things going on that hopefully regular updates will be happening...hopefully!

We continue...